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SOLVED -Google/Cart problem HELP and advice needed

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I did not know what to put in the topic for this problem but here goes.


Google has indexed my site with the shopping cart and 2 items already in the basket. This means that anybody searching for an item or a general description within Google comes across my site in the ranking and the first page they hit is the shopping cart with 2 items already in the shopping cart.

Not only is this confusing to anybody visiting my site but they would need to delete any items in the basket first. Has anybody else experienced this and how do I overcome this?



I should be the first site below the block of paid ad sites at the top of this search.




OR https://www.battery-sales.co.uk/cart.php?qty=1&id_product=66

Edited by firstforward (see edit history)
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Haha that is because its the wrong link it is redirecting to.

This link means basically: add 1 product to my basket




This is the link in google meaning: id_product 66... (the product that should be added to the basket)

qty=1 (how many of this id_product should be added to the basket.


Try this out. Go to this google page and open the page..

Then return to the google and click on it again, it keeps adding this product to the basket.


You might want to change the link in google, because this is bad.. :)

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I simply set up the domain 2 months ago and have done nothing else, I have noticed via the shop stats a number of visitors get a cart but do not purchase.....now I know why!!

As you said previously its an important issue to get sorted, I am sure nobody wants to visit a site with items in a cart but I do not know where to start on this one.

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You might offcourse try to contact Google directly on this matter.

You can ask them to delete that link on google.


Go to google and search for: Contact google


You get lots of options on how to contact them directly or via a dashboard.

Let me know if things worked out for you!


Cheers Helldog!

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Okay you can create a robots.txt by going to admin --> Tools --> Generators


Click on "generate robots.txt file", you can now find this file in your root of the server.

Copy/Download it to your desktop.


Open it with text editor.

And you can disallow pages (If you open the text file you will see the most important files as the cart you had trouble with will be disallowed now)


You just have to click on generate robots.txt file and it is finished for you ;)


Cheers Helldog!

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