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Double tittle for categories

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Hi guys!


Im trying to find a way to make my site better and im wondering if there is a way to make double tittles for categories. Right now u choose a name for your categorie and then it appears in the main menu and in the category h1 tittle. But in my situation it doesn't fit what i expect.


For better SEO optimization, it would be nice to have double category tittle. For example:


Im selling plush toys and the main category is "Plush Toys". I got subcategories "for boys" "for girls". Right now my subcategory tittles appear as "For boys" or "For girls". And what i need is to make it look like "Plush toys for boys" and "Plush toys for girls" while in the main menu the subcategory tittles would remain "for boys" and "for girls".


I've tried to add additional column into the "ps_category_lang" table and set the tittles manually through modifying category.tpl file. But due to the lack of my php-skills, im not sure how to make it.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Why not use the meta title box on the edit category screen, this will keep the main title the same, but change the title that is displayed on the browser window.


Thanks for your reply, jhnstcks! I need this change for design purpose. Also search engines really like when meta tittles match with the content on the page. Another reason is to help ppl to orient on my website since i don't have breadcrumb. And of course i've already changed the meta tittle.


still much thanks for your reply.

Edited by maxfil (see edit history)
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