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Color attributes limit (20) ?

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I set 20 different color attributes (and patterns), and i need a few more, but it seems impossible to add any more.

Eventhough i get "Creation successful" after adding a new color attribute, it doesn't show up in the color attributes list.


Is there a way to override this limit ?



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I set 20 different color attributes (and patterns), and i need a few more, but it seems impossible to add any more.

Eventhough i get "Creation successful" after adding a new color attribute, it doesn't show up in the color attributes list.


Is there a way to override this limit ?




Hi core-,

This is a limit set in place by your hosting provider, not by PrestaShop, so you will want to contact them. I just ran a test on a local installation and had no issues adding more than 20 color attributes.




I hope this helps.



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Hi Mike, Thanks for the reply. Do you possibly know what kind of a limit is this about (what parameter) ? I didn't know this sort of limits are possible on server side.


I would have to look into it further, but I would recommend that you start out by contacting your host and asking them.



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