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[SOLVED] Specials (Price drop) thumbnails not showing

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Hi, my front page specials module is not showing thumbnails for products with a reduced price. My .htaccess includes this:


RewriteRule ^en/prices-drop$ /prices-drop.php?isolang=en [QSA,L]


I copy below my template's tpl for the relevant block (http://www.templatem...demo/38591.html).


The same images display correctly in all other places. Any thoughts? Thanks





<!-- MODULE Block specials -->

<div id="specials" class="block products_block">

<h4><a href="{$link->getPageLink('prices-drop.php')}" title="{l s='Specials' mod='blockspecials'}">{l s='Specials' mod='blockspecials'}</a></h4>

<div class="block_content">

{if $special}



<a class="products_block_img bordercolor" href="{$special.link}"><img src="{$link->getImageLink($special.link_rewrite,'small')}" alt="{$special.legend|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" title="{$special.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" /></a>


<h5><a class="product_link" href="{$special.link}" title="{$special.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{$special.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}</a></h5>


<span class="pricecolor price-discount">{if !$priceDisplay}{displayWtPrice p=$special.price_without_reduction}{else}{displayWtPrice p=$priceWithoutReduction_tax_excl}{/if}</span>

{if $special.specific_prices}

{assign var='specific_prices' value=$special.specific_prices}

{if $specific_prices.reduction_type == 'percentage' && ($specific_prices.from == $specific_prices.to OR ($smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' <= $specific_prices.to && $smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' >= $specific_prices.from))}

<span class="pricecolor reduction">(-{$specific_prices.reduction*100|floatval}%)</span>



<span class="pricecolor price">{if !$priceDisplay}{displayWtPrice p=$special.price}{else}{displayWtPrice p=$special.price_tax_exc}{/if}</span>





<a class="button_large" href="{$link->getPageLink('prices-drop.php')}" title="{l s='All specials' mod='blockspecials'}">{l s='All specials' mod='blockspecials'}</a>


<p>{l s='No specials at this time' mod='blockspecials'}</p>




<!-- /MODULE Block specials -->

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Thanks, Mike. So looks like I figured out what was missing. I had not checked the association between the specials and the thumbnail in the images section of preferences.


It should be all good, but as soon as I figured this out I am not able to regenerate my thumbnails any more (and get new thumbnails to display). This is likely not a timeout error. I don't think this was happening before. This is getting quite frustrating. I am following up on the following thread - hope you can spare a few minutes to help.




Thank you.

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