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Shipping Zone error

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Discovered that PS seems to have moved all Italian States to the UK Mainland. :o

Therefore when shipping is calculated it uses local not international rates.


After a while digging I had found the following:-

  • Italy was definitely only present in the EU zone
  • EU Zone had correct international shipping options.
  • Shipping prices were correct for the Zone

So why would entering an Italy address give only local shipping...?

Further head scratching & poking about & I stumbled on the fact that all 109 Italian states have been given UK as their zone of residence in the States options.... :wacko::blink:


My question is:-

"How did this happen & can I put them back in the EU without manually editing all 109 fields...?"


Is there a way to block edit these strings? Or at least return them to the (assumed) default setting of Italy = Europe; Italian States = Italy?

Edited by jcmil (see edit history)
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You could do it directly on the DB. First find the PREFIX_id_country for Italy and UK in country_lang table (default 10 and 17). Then in PREFIX_state table change all rows where id_country is 17 to have id_country 10 (that is OK since UK does not have states by default). Make a backup first.

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