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Need a bit of help with Shipping Setup!

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Hi All,

can anyone help or explain how I can setup the shipping as follows


Shipping to Home Country is €10.00+VAT, free over €100.00

Shipping outside home country is €20.00


Seems straight forward setup but I can see how to do it.




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You will need to setup a Carrier that works in Zone UK (as an example - choose your home zone obviously) - so it only works in the UK Zone.


Then setup a Carrier for everywhere else (except home country). When you customers reach the cart page it will show the carrier based on where they live.


I appreciate allowing back access is not ideal for a live site - but it is quite difficult to demostrate in the forums. I am going to setup a demo site and I will let you have access to it to show you how its done - unless my above instructions do it for you :)

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How can I handle the Free above €100 in home country?

I have 2 carries now, 1 for home and another ofr all other countries

The "Free shipping starts at:" will be applied to both .




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Sorry I wasnt clear maybe

Home Country Shipping Free above €100

Below €100 -> Charge €10


outside home country always €20

NO free shipping


Currently setup offers Free shipping outside home country

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OK - I see what you mean.


I am not sure you can do that as it is not carrier specific - its based on total order value.


You might be able make a carrier "top out" at a certain value, which then brings in another carrier - which could be free, and not make it available outside of the UK - but I would have to test that myself to be sure.


You could end up with "No Carrier Available" if someone outside the UK goes above £100.


Equally - how would you advertise free shipping at £100 - when it is only for the UK? May look a bit wrong in customers eyes...just my opinion of course.


I am sure it can be done - but I would need to give it some thought and test it - unless someone else reading this has manage to do it - being honest I have never had to split free shipping in a store so not done it. (I will have a play later on and see if and how its done).

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Hi Bellini13

I've setup as below which you suggested.

THe price range 100-1000000000 = free does not work for some reason,

Would there be something that overrides this?


thanks for your help



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to be of any use I would really need to see how you have configured this. can you create me a back office profile that only has access to the shipping section? either that or take some screen shots of all the shipping sections and post them back

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ok, try these changes and let me know if it corrects the issue

  1. in the main shipping section, you have "free delivery starts at 100". this will apply to all carriers. change this to zero unless you really want free delivery for both home and international
  2. i would reduce your end price range, 100,000,000,000,000.00 is way too large. if you do that much business, would you like a business partner :) make it something reasonable like 1,000,000. the "out of range" behavior will handle anything over that number the same way
  3. for "home country" carrier there are 2 price ranges, the second one is wrong. the "to value is excluded"

    1. 0 to 100 (this is correct)
    2. 100 to 100,000,000,000,000.00 (the from should always be the same as the previous to)

Edited by bellini13 (see edit history)
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