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[SOLVED] How To Fix Template Background Error

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Hi, I tried clearing the cache and the problem is still there. The difference can't be seen on the site until you get to the order confirmation pages. Thanks


If you check my screenshots, you'll see that this is the exact page I'm on as well on both sites. In your Back Office, can you please go to Preferences > Performance and enable Force Compile and disable Cache, and then reload the pages and let me know if the issue persists?



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Hi, I tried that but I'm still having problem. I even tried using internet explorer but it's still having problems.


Can you please try it from another computer? I've tested it on two separate computers here and can promise you that it is working properly on our end.



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div#wrapper1{min-width:1110px;min-height:100%;background:url('https://christiantshirtz.com/themes/theme184/css/../img/bg_pattern.jpg')}div#wrapper2{height:100%;background:url('https://christiantshirtz.com/themes/theme184/css/../img/bg_img.jpg') 50% 0 no-repeat}div#wrapper3{background:url('https://christiantshirtz.com/themes/theme184/css/../img/bg_header.png') 50% 0 no-repeat}div#wrapper4{width:1090px;margin:0 auto;text-align:left}div#left_column,div#center_column{float:left}div#columns{float:left}div#left_column{clear:left;width:240px}div#center_column{width:760px;margin:0 0 0 30px;padding:0 25px 80px 25px;background:url('https://christiantshirtz.com/themes/theme184/css/../img/bg_content_bottom.jpg') 0 bottom no-repeat #fff}


This is all information regarding your background, it seems you are using bg_pattern.jpg, bg_img.jpg and bg_content_bottom.jpg for the footer


Change this code to


div#wrapper1{min-width:1110px;min-height:100%;background:url('https://christiantshirtz.com/themes/theme184/css/../img/bg_pattern.jpg')}div#wrapper2{height:100%;background:url('https://christiantshirtz.com/themes/theme184/css/../img/bg_img.jpg') 100% 0 repeat}div#wrapper3{background:url('https://christiantshirtz.com/themes/theme184/css/../img/bg_header.png') 100% 0 repeat}div#wrapper4{width:1090px;margin:0 auto;text-align:left}div#left_column,div#center_column{float:left}div#columns{float:left}div#left_column{clear:left;width:240px}div#center_column{width:760px;margin:0 0 0 30px;padding:0 25px 80px 25px;background:url('https://christiantshirtz.com/themes/theme184/css/../img/bg_content_bottom.jpg') 0 bottom repeat #fff}


tell me if this worked (don't forget to make a backup!

cheers helldog!

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