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XLM Parsing Error

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For some reason I am getting the following error after I install prestashop 1.4.8.


The installation finished, then I changed the name of my install folder and my admin folder.


The browser shows the following right after I login to the backoffice.


XML Parsing Error: not well-formed

Location: http://www.44.tonerexpressnh.com/amd/amdadmin/

Line Number 51, Column 52:- <a href="index.php?tab=AdminEmployees&id_employee=1&updateemployee&token=13c10fa39a03b695f0767b979093df27" style="font-size: 10px;"><img src="" alt=""/> My preferences</a>




Further information:


I have an existing installation, which gives me a similar error all of a sudden. I am on there, but decided to do a fresh install with 1.4.8 today to see if it would fix the problem.


Both installations are at the same domain, but in different folders. They are attached to separate databases.


I would be grateful for any assistance, ideally, I would like to get the install working again, and upgrade it to 1.4.8.



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Hi drew5484, how are you doing?


Well I had got the same issue. After researches and call to Prestashop Support, I have not found any solution for this issue ... but I always kept in mind this is a host issue.

Well finally I found the solution and I hope this fix your issue too. On my web host exist an option "page speed optimization", this is a new feature from "google"(https://developers.g...peed/pagespeed/) to improve ours website links, but this specific solution doesn't work fine with "XML". XML is a much stricter language and does not handle "page speed optimization" well. Explaining better "page speed optimization" does is it removes repeating or redundant code from URLs. Though XML is looking for the complete URL and fails when it does not find it.


I hope this solution help you to fix your issue.



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