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Unable to install module

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Hi everyone,

I'm new on PShop. I start with a already installed and in use.


To understand how it works, I rode a lot of articles and posts before working on it.


Before any other explication, to solve this problem, I first thought of an update bug.

Then I tried to update manually PShop.

Everything seems fine except when I log in the admin panel of the updated version (in my subfolder to check before switch), I don't see the Global Settings page, so it will be impossible to enable my shop.

- just a point that may be related to the next problem : when i'm on the or, the one whithout my setting page, I try to install autoupdate. It does it bad (like the second problem, check below), et when i'm going on the Upgrade page in Tools, PShop tells me I can't update because of the configuration of the plugin (that will not update, then if I don't save them, it will block my update) -


Then I don't take the risk to switch and I come back to work on my by restoring all my database.




And here is my real problem.

I wanted to install a template (http://addons.prestashop.com/en/high-tech/4264-Mobile-Shop-Smart-Phone.html), but the Top Menu don't show on the front office (blocktopmenu module). It's maybe the same for other modules, but I don't know as I don't need to change them, at least for now.


I tried to reinstall manually, insall an old version of the plugin and so more. Nothing changed.


I've got this message when I try to install a module :


The following module(s) were not installed successfully:

  • blocktopmenu


If I reload the module page, it appears like working, but no way to configure it.

By an SQL debug, I realise that when it install, it don't create the SQL table, and don't make a good install.

If I try to use it, it's impossible to update the config of the module and the top menu don't show on the front office.


If I manually install the SQL tables, the topmenu links (a section of the plugin) may be added, but I can't add them to the menu (so it may be something else than only the SQL).

I checked in my settings.inc.php file, and I saw that it's written "Innodb" instead of "MyISAM", I changed it to match with what's written in the back office, but there is no change...


I'm like I tested everything, install, uninstall, through FTP, all the things I could do with the cach, and more.


I'm on OVH, so it might be something from them, but I have enough PHP memory.


I'm kind of lost now and any help would be appreciated !

Thanks a lot,


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i have a similar problem with Prestashop suddenly refusing to accept new modules (i've tried 2 different ones) even when i go the back way through the ftp server it just does not show up in the modules screen.

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Please post the modules here and I will have a look and see if its a module issue or something else.

Also when you uploaded the unzipped module was it just one folder deep some modules when unzipped have a double folder and prestashop will not recognize those.


example: Not Allowed



blockcart/ files





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Ok I tried this module and had no issues uploading using the add module from my computer.


However I made a couple of changes as the install did not have a proper heading for the module to be placed in so it installed to Other Modules instead of Front Office..

I changed the install so that it will load into Front Office features and tried and it installed without any problems.

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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Thanks for your work !


Unfortunately it don't work.

I got the same error message when I try to install it.


And if I try to configure it, I have this :

Table 'bbaccesspvd5s.4D5FS8_linksmenutop' doesn't exist


SELECT l.id_link, l.new_window, l.link, ll.label

FROM 4D5FS8_linksmenutop l

LEFT JOIN 4D5FS8_linksmenutop_lang ll ON (l.id_link = ll.id_link AND ll.id_lang = "1")

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Lets try one more time I was able to upload and install this module without issues.

Worked just fine in front office and DB fields were created.

If this does not work you may have an issue with your DB.


This was installed in Prestashop




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