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How do I redirect?

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I have had older files in my prestashop (rosary.name/shop) Version The old files which I have disabled I can't seem to redirect to the newer files.


Example: http://www.rosary.name/shop/75-black-first-communion-kit-kc2.html

This is the older one (disabled in the shop), and should go to the new location which is: http://www.rosary.name/shop/145-black-rosary-kit-kc2.html


Because I have my shop on a folder named /shop on a domain, instead of being the root folder on the domain, thus I have in my simplicity tried in both .htaccess files (one in domain second in /shop) to write this redirect rule:


Redirect 301 /shop/75-black-first-communion-kit-kc2.html http://www.rosary.name/shop/145-black-rosary-kit-kc2.html


But I can't to get them to work. What's going on? Could this be due to that they are disabled on the shop?


The result shows: http://www.rosary.name/shop/145-black-rosary-kit-kc2.html?id_product=75

And I get a message on that location which says:


There is 1 error :

  1. product is no longer available

Please let me know.



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