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The requested URL /opc.php was not found on this server

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The requested URL /opc.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache Server at www.homegoodsoutlet.com Port 443



With authorize.net ver 1.3 and prestashop 1.4.7 I receive this error when hitting the validate order button, the order goes through but this error pops up! The only way I know the order went through is the email from Authorize.net tells me so. Another thing, Prestashop does NOT show the order in back office either.

Here are -opc files on my server






Can someone please help? Been working on this 14hrs already! Thanks!


Edited by Diane721 (see edit history)
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I was able to run the authorize.net payment module. . . I did the following:


1. Enable the SSL certificate domain

2. For testing place the module in Production Mode and Test Mode set it directly in my Authorize.net account


I hope this will be of some help. Goodbye! :)

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