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[SOLVED] After reload the page the cart is empty

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I have a problem with the cart: when i add a product and i refresh the page the cart return to zero.

-i found that every time i add a new product a new cart is added in the backend;

-when i add a product the XmlHttpRequest is partially correct:in the post the token is the same and the datas is correct, but the response is only the actual product i'm adding and not the sum of them (this because a new cart is created)

-when i reload the page the response is a JSON object with all the value to zero (like an empty cart)


i'm getting this problem after i've deleted some test's orders and deleting all the cart present so far and i can't think of any other important things related..


I think this problem is because the backend is unable to compare different carts (token?) and understand i'm the same person with the same cart.


any suggestion how to dig into this problem? (or solve it!! :D)




Edited by andrew19881123 (see edit history)
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