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Migrating to prestashop

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Hello all,


I'm about to migrate to this wonderful engine, from my crappy wordpress with wpecommerce.


But I have the problem, since the products is in huge amount, can I update my product in another domain name, then if it's ready then i changed the domain name back to the real domain? would this cause problems later? since i affraid the broken URL etc...




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Before closing your ex-domain and moving to your new PS installaiton, you can open PS as a subdomain and making the shop disabled, you can start importing your products and categories form the original place. From the Back Office>Tools>CSV Import provides you this opportunity once you build your CSV files appropriately. Once you complete the import, you can direct your domain and make required changes on your Prestashop installation to use that domain.



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Hello Caglar,


Thanks for the answers, to make this clear,


My current shop is on wordpress in the root directory /public_html/, so i should make a subdomain (shop.mydomain.com) which pointed to /public_html/shop, and then I install prestashop there, upload all the products, then export them to a csv file, after that I erase all the stuff and leaving a blank /public_html/ and intall brand new presta shop again. and import the previous csv product file? will it cause problem to links etc? am i following what you are saying? :):blink::D



Totaly a newbie :ph34r:



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To simply put to migrate from Wordpress to Prestashop:

  • make a subdomain (shop.mydomain.com) which pointed to /public_html/shop
  • install prestashop there
  • export products from Wordpress including picture paths into Excel or CSV file
  • convert those Wordpress CSV's to Prestashop CSV format
  • build CSV for categories, CSV for products of Prestashop, etc. sample files are in Tools>CSV Import
  • upload all the categories and products to Prestashop either using CSV Import or manually
  • when you think that your Prestashop installation is done, disable your shop Preferences>Disable shop
  • delete wordpress files from the root (always better to make a backup, for example you can move them in a folder in the root)
  • move prestashop files from the subfolder to the root
  • open the /config/settings.inc.php file and make below changes:


define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/shop/');




define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/');

  • then login to your new PS Back Office, don't use subdomain/admin to login, use the domain/admin
  • preferences>SEO & URLs>change the domain name to your root domain
  • do the same for the SSL domain, that way you will update the database
  • Tools>Generators and "regenerate both the .htaccess and robots.txt files"
  • Finally using FTP delete everything except the index.php files in the following folders





  • enable your shop, Preferences>enable shop

You can also use the below guide to move your shop, it is basically "Moving PrestaShop to a New Domain" once you built your shop in the subdomain:





Hope this helps...



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Whoah... that's a lot of details of explanation you gave it to me. DOn't know how to thank you :wub: I will try it as today.


If I have success migrate them, i would like to ask about the 301 redirect questions. :rolleyes:

Thanks a lot bro.. :D

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whoah my hosting come to a weirdness,


If i create a subdomain, The presta shop cannot connect to localhost database, must use the external IP, so it can connect. I have delete all of them and try to reinstall.


I was using cpanel.


Any one come to this problem?

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Oh it's weird, it cannot connect to the database. I have verify back and forth. up and down. it just simply cannot connect. hmmm...


ican connect to the phpmyadmin, and verify the database it's ok,


but in the installtion step, it just can't verify anymore.


it was ok if i use the my ipaddress, as it was allowed in cpanel external sql connection. now it cannot work anymore. localhost, external ip, domain name... it' just don't connect.



i cannot even connect to the wordpress DB using the DB credential, username, pasword, to verify.


very strange... I'm stuck.

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Hi caglar it is not my hosting problem,


I have trace the error.


i made a simple php script, it can connect.


so it look like the program for the spinning arrow that show when verify the db connection have problem


i use the firebug and the reqeust from the spinning arrow is


and the response is:



<br> Looking Something? You are at the wrong page. <!-- -->

That's a hardguest to look what error is that.


i give it up for today,..... i got to sleep

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Hi Caglar,


I gave up, on trying on this server since nobody know what happen, even the technical support says he don't know.


What If I use another one server with diffirent domain, upload all the products, then i erase all my original and messy wordpress etc, then move all the prestashop to the there?? will it be ok?



Thanks for all the supports. :D

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Some servers don't allow hosting more than one website. This may be the subject of the limitation.


However, if you install Prestashop on another server with a different domain, it will be the same procedure of domain migration.


So, yes, it is OK.

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