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[SOLVED] text color more information

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Hi all,


I am trying to change the color of the more information in the product page.


In short, I have a dark blue background, and if a customer clicks on a product it gets the more information of a product in black text.


This is barely visible.

I would like to have all imported files to have auto white text in the more info sheet.

Is this possible and how do I need to change this.


I did do looked for the css files, but do not know which one to take, and what the name is.

I believe something like more_info_sheets (but can't find it anywhere)


Thanks in advance!

Edited by helldog2004 (see edit history)
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Thank you for the fast reply:

This is what I found:

#more_info_sheets li {
background-position: 6px 4px;
margin-bottom: 0.4em


And tried to replace it with this:

#more_info_sheets li {
background-position: 6px 4px;
margin-bottom: 0.4em
    text-allign: left;
    color: #FFFFFF;


But nothing changed in my more information sheets.

Any idea?

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You should also remove ; after

color: #FFFFFF;


okay tried it, but it doesn't change the color..

it keeps all the text in black, unless I change it one by one in the CMS editor on admin pages

A bit much work for 1300 products..

Any more ideas?


I placed a pic to show what I would like to have whiteNaamloos.png

Edited by helldog2004 (see edit history)
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okay tried it, but it doesn't change the color..

it keeps all the text in black, unless I change it one by one in the CMS editor on admin pages

A bit much work for 1300 products..

Any more ideas?


I placed a pic to show what I would like to have whiteNaamloos.png


For example:

Tab more information, change color:


#page .rte {


Tab Data sheet


#idTab2 {

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Okay I tried the #page.rte color change.

Yeah the background does change to white, but then the text dissapears.


It is like the text is set to background then.

Any solution for this?

If you want to change the background, you should write: background: color and code, to change the text color, you should write color: color and code.


You have the online store to view?


Sorry for my English. D

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Yeah the problem is fixed, but you can look at my website:



Yeah long name, was hidden for people who would be entering website on purpose :)

but have the link on my homepage now:



let me know what you think of it!!

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Yeah the problem is fixed, but you can look at my website:



Yeah long name, was hidden for people who would be entering website on purpose :)

but have the link on my homepage now:



let me know what you think of it!!


Hi helldog2004,


For me it is an honor to help you


If you give the topic as solved, if you can edit the title of the topic and add the word "Solved" the title, this will help maintain a more organized forum.


Sorry for my English.

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