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[SOLVED] Products flying to the left instead of right

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Im soon finished with my shop to go live but Im experiencing a problem wich I think is easy to solve if I just knew how....

When pressing the add to cart button the products is flying to the top left (where I have my logo) instead of to the top left where I have my cart...


Does someone know where I configure where the products should "fly"?


Thanks in advance and have a great weekend!

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it's in /modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js

var cartBlockOffset = $('#cart_block').offset();

#cart_block is the destination of the animation.


Thanks alot for the tip.

I have this code in the ajax-cart.js:

var cartBlockOffset = $('#cart_block').offset();


At my cart div I have this code:


<div id="cart_block" class="cart_block">


So I just dont understand why it doesnt fly there? Does something seem wrong?

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Try to change it to cart_block_summary as cart_block does not have a width defined, as it defaulting to the whole width (890px), and goes to the left side of it.


You mean changing

var cartBlockOffset = $('#cart_block').offset();



var cartBlockOffset = $('#cart_block_summary').offset();

in the ajax file right?

Didnt work, but thanks for the advice. Any other suggestions is really appriciated :)

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looks like the old value is still there,,,, http://screencast.com/t/Fy043Xc9S8CI


Its so strange... it says cart_block_summary here on http://www.skolyx.se...rt/ajax-cart.js

Does it still say cart_block only even after refresh?


Edit: Ive hired a prestashop fixer on fiverr.com lets see if he can fix it ;)

Edited by prestalearn (see edit history)
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