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Products, Languages and CVS Import

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Hello, Ive tried to get some info regarding this question but nothing.

Is it possible to add product translations using CVS Import? I mean, I have about 100 products, all defined in Spanish (Name, Short Desc, Desc, etc) now I have transslated each of this products to English, so I do not want to spend a week putting this fields translations by hand! Is there a way to just update the product name, short desc and description to a desired language? I have spanish as main, and English is also available.

Is this possible or I will have to go forced to do it by hand? (Product per product update in global product infos)??

Thank you

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No ideas? As a wish for developers, could be possible to incorporate in CVS import this feature, e.g. an extra column to allow you to pick the language, and as an option, all languages, a dropdown box with lang option *ALL; 1.ENGLISH 2.SPANISH... (loaded with the lang installed)

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