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[SOLVED] Please help, Entire right column is missing and getting an error

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Everything has been working great up until an hour ago. I was working on setting up a zone for a shipping module, I clicked force recompile and I went to the front end, did a refresh and noticed the entire right column is missing.


If I try to add a product to the cart I get an error box that says TECHNICAL ERROR: Unable to add the product. Details: Error Thrown:[object XMLHttpRequest] Text Status: error.


I am running PrestaShop™


I have read many posts but nothing seems to work. Any help would be great. Thanks

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It sounds like an error in a tpl file you changed.


Try to turn on error reporting (/config/config.inc.php line #29).


Reload the page and you will see an error, if you're not sure how to fix it, paste it here.

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