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[SOLVED] Being redirected to unwanted websites

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This is because a script that comes probably with a module you installed.

However, to find out which script it is you must search your files for words like "redirect" or "window.location"

Another solution is to remove third party modules you installed and enable one by one checking the redirection.


Hope this helps.



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Hi catalog,

I just opened up your site in Chrome and was not redirected. Are you still having this issue? And if you've already resolved it, can you please let me know in which module you found it? I think our developers would be interested in looking into it further.



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it was NOT a module from prestashop, it was a code i got from another developer on another website not sure anymore which one

Will try to find the website and confirm that this was the problem


Thank you very much Prestashop for your precious help

Thank you

Good Day

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