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stock problem/ Enable stock management

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Lets say i have 5 items on product A. When I add 1 of item A in the basked it should automatically reduce to 4, but it doesnt. It reduces when I first confirm to buy the item.

Is there someway to make it lower the stock as fast as the customer add 1 item to the basket?

When I have added the items on the basked the stock should lower but it doesnt. How do I change this?

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I dont think it should lower the stock before the order is bought, why should it, people play alot with baskets and they add products like made, if it enabled like you wanted it , it will show other customers thta you dont have stock while just some other user (not even a client) is playing around on your website.

It is like walking in the supermarket and putting items to your trolley and then you want them one from the database before you reach the till.
Alot of people do change their mind in the last second and drop their order, But i am sure you have some strong reason or something specific to the product that you sell that you want it to work this way.

Once the order is confirmed then it should lower it. I hope i make sense.


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That is part of the game, it happens alot that the last item on the shelve is fought for by 2 people, like you stand and hope the other does not take it before you.

Look, i think you can add a msg to display (instead of out of stock) something like contact us for availability.. or something like that.
but I tell you, it is much better than having someone emptying your whole shop while no one else can buy a thing. what if someone adds all the products and the stocks to his cart and sits on it for 2 days? no one else could buy a thing and your shop would be empty.

I suggest leave it as it is. this is at least how every shop i have worked with or seen was configured.

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