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Problems uploading images (500 Internal Server Error)

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Since upgrading my shop I have had many problems:


I cannot modify combinations


Layered Navigation Broken


However - now I cannot upload product images. It only happens on larger filesize images in or around 120kb. It results in a 500 internal server error. I have checked with my host WebFusion and I am not over my filesize on my virtual server. I have around 17,000 images in img/p and also some numbered folders.


Anyone got any ideas? I cannot add any new products to my store as it is.


Thanks in advance

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  • 3 months later...

I have the same problem, even when I do 1 category 1 line than also an 500 error.

When I do moer categories or products it wil about 800 pieces load into prestashop and than i get a error 500.

It is only when I have big pictures,when I have small pictures 140px then is there no problem.

All our pictures we have saved it on the same server where also prestashop is running.


It isn't possibel for us to do split our file with 50000 products.


Knows somebody how we can solve the problem??

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1. on my hosting - arvixe - this "500 internal server error" shows when the files have too much privilege ( in unix notation, when they have 777 instead of 755 - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umask .


so, I would start looking for directories and files which have such access rights.


2. prestashop 1.4 has some hard-encoded image size limits (300kB per file) perhaps this is it?

crude workaround:


images.inc.php (add line in bold)


function checkImage($file, $maxFileSize)



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