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Product Listing & Attributes

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Hi guys;


I have just opened an online store using prestashop.


I am selling clothing, and one problem i've run into is that. Some of my garments come in multiple colours. Example: A t-shirt may come in black and also red. Now i can either add the attributes so that when you click on the t-shirt you can see it comes in the two colours. However when I do this, the t-shirt will only appear once in my category.


Is it possible to make items with multiple colours appear more then once?

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We are developing a module that will do that.

If a product comes with 3 attributes, and each is connected to a different product image, the product page will show all 3 with the matching image for each one.

Also, when you click on a product, it will automatically select that attribute when going to the product page.


You should NOT create a new product for each of the colors, that will be considered by search engines as duplicate content (as 99% of the page will be the same).

It will also mess up your stock (if you have 3 products and offer the 3 attributes to each).


We should have a beta version ready in about 2 week, you can contact us to become a tester.

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  • 10 months later...

Hello sorry for my english I'm french, sorry also back this old topic but I'm interested in this module. what is the name?

we have products with different colors and each color that we would be in the category (but remaining the same products for stocks) that would have more products in this category, it is what your module?

thank you in advance

and thanks google translate :)

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The module has not been released yet, we had many modules to upgrade for PS 1.5 and this got pushed down the priority list.


Hopefully we'll get to it in 2-3 months.


If you need it sooner, you can contact us for a custom solution.

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