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[SOLVED] Error message while Modifying Translation

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I am trying to change some translation and while trying to expand "Translations of Installed Modules" and then click on the related flag, I got an error message:



Total expressions : 1395. Click the fieldset title to expand or close the fieldset..



Warning, your hosting provider limits the maximum number of fields to post in a form:

1000 for max_input_vars

Please ask your hosting provider to increase the suhosin post and request limit to 1495 at least. or edit the translation file manually.



I then contacted my host and this is their reply:



Our servers do not use the suhosin PHP configuration (we use suPHP) and I don't see a parameter that limits the number of POST parameters in a query. I have increased the POST size from 8M to 32M but otherwise am not sure what your developer is asking for, nor why their script is built in such a way that such a large quantity of posts would be made in a single query. They would need to provide us with additional details on what exactly they would need to have us adjust.



I am not sure what to do now. Does anyone have a solution?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by hurray (see edit history)
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Hi hurray and pradchal,

If your server doesn't allow more than 1000 entries at once, I personally would recommend you just save and submit from time to time while working on the translations.


Honestly, even if your server could handle an unlimited number of entries, I would still recommend this. You don't want to know how much of my hair I've pulled out when an accidental keystroke refreshed the page without saving and I lost a lot of my work :P.



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HI Mike,

I cannot even open the drop down menu let alone work on translations.

My site is in french and on the front end there are some field texts in english. I suppose their translation was not done properly. I am completely stuck.

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HI Mike,

I cannot even open the drop down menu let alone work on translations.

My site is in french and on the front end there are some field texts in english. I suppose their translation was not done properly. I am completely stuck.


What happens when you try to open that dropdown menu in your Back Office?



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When I open the drop-down menu and choose "Translations of Installed Modules" and then click on the french flag I get an error message just like Hurray mentioned in his message...


But if I choose "Front Office Translations" and click on the french flag, all the field set open with no problem....

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