core- Posted May 1, 2012 Share Posted May 1, 2012 I spent hours trying to find out how to format store info popup (from the google map), as i have now white font color on a white background. Finally i found store_info.tpl where i could set font color for working time: <span id="store_hours" style="color: blue">{l s='Hours:'}</span> <table style="font-size: 9px;"> {foreach from=$days_datas item=one_day} <tr> <td style="width: 70px; color: blue]">{l s=$}</td><td style="color: blue">{$one_day.hours}</td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> but it goes much harder with the store names, address and phone number (above the store thumbnail).. i found stores.tpl file and the portion of the code (i set style="color:blue"): <p style="color:blue"> <b>{$|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</b><br /> {$store.address1|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}<br /> {if $store.address2}{$store.address2|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{/if}<br /> {$store.postcode} {$|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{if $store.state}, {$store.state}{/if}<br /> {$|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}<br /> {if $}{l s='Phone:' js=0} {$}{/if} </p> but ANY format change in this file AT ALL doesn't affect the way the popup appears.. I have had so many problems modifying default prestashop theme, that i'm asking myself why is it made to be so hard (?) It's beyond me why so much formatting code is defined as common format for SO MANY unrelated app blocks ?? So that when i change some font or color in one block, i almost always find out it affected in an undesirable way some other block. Then i have to find TPL for this block in order to OVERRIDE css formatting.. Wouldn't it be so much easier that every block has it's own independent css formatting (whether in global.css or in a separate file, doesnt matter). Is it about a commercial interest of themes developers from prestashop ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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