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[SOLVED] Links jumping when clicking on them

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I use PS I installed "prestashop_template_145" a couple of months ago, but I got this problem after installing some Agile modules, and I uninstalled them and the problem remained. On the Agile forum they told me that the problem comes from my prestashop... When I click on a link the link jumps. When I click on my Logo, or product, the image of what I clicked on goes down like 100px and up again. It jumps. Someone knows about this problem?


Thank you

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www.stickeaz.com , if you click on the logo or a product you'll see. Sometimes when I click on a link it doesn't even load the page the link is pointing to. I have to solve this problem...


It appears you've done some customization to the prestashop_new theme. Can you please try temporarily switching back to the default PrestaShop theme and let me know if the issue persists?



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Unfortunately there are still some aspects of your custom theme that are modifying the default. You will need to try to identify those or export your database to a test installation to try to resolve this, as it definitely appears to be a function of the custom changes you made to your theme.



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A lot of your problems are caused because you are displaying links as blocks, display them inline. Your header on the other hand you cannot float and element and set an absolute position. Take the take the float off the link and add position:realitve; and display:inline; to the link for the header.

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Now I know where the problem comes from! It's from the module Menu Haut Horizontal v1.3 = the top horizontal menu that I modified. When I disable it the problem disappears. What's wrong in the CSS of my menu?

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OK I made some tests offline and found the issue at line 82 in "/blocktopmenu/css/superfish-modified.css". I commented out:


.sf-menu a {
 /* display:block;
height: 35px; */
} /*
.sf-menu a:hover, a:active {
height: 35px;
background: url(../img/puce.png) no-repeat bottom center;
.sf-menu a:active {
height: 35px;
background: url(../img/puce.png) no-repeat bottom center;
} */


I don't really understand what ".sf-menu a:hover, a:active" and ".sf-menu a:active " are needed for in the top menu module, but it seems to be working fine without.

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