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duplicate urls exponantially growing! help!

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Hi, we have a massive issue of duplicate urls on our shop. Hubby is working on it, but I want to figure out what the H is going on.

We are an old veriosn of prest 1.3.7. The last update was painful we postponed the next one to this summer.


But we have a major issue with urls that needs to be fixed urgently.


1/ We have the usl redirection issue which i understand might be common on our version of prest. Sounds like hubby found


when we redirect old products to the cat page.


2/ We also have issues with presta creating new urls because of each filter fonction on the pages. such as



3/ Now, we have a winnder her with a newly discovered issue which is growing exponantially. We are findin thousands of this kind of urls indexed in google:



With that, goes its friend, the same type of url but with some varied gibberish at the end as you can see below:




In one week we went from 6900 pagess indexed on google (WAY TOO MUCH),to 17,800 with this last issue.


Have you seen this before? do you know what h* is going on? We are trying to limit google indexing anymore of that, but it really sounds like something going on. I would really like to know and appreciate your advice,.



FInally, if anyone knows what is going on, and oncewe figure out how to fix it, how can i desindex massively from google?



Edited by kiri (see edit history)
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