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[SOLVED] - Problems on jqzoom with product combinations

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Hello there:


This is my 1st post, so please be gentle :D

I have a weird problem with jqzoom. It works only with the "default products" !

When i configure a new product and add pictures, etc...jqzoom doesn't work.


This is my server information:

Prestashop version:

Server information: Linux

Server software version: Apache

PHP version: 5.2.17

MySQL version: 5.0.95-community

Current theme in use:








Let me explain what i did so far:



Two column layout:

changed footer.tpl (shop/themes/prestashop/)

changed global.css (shop/themes/prestashop/css)

resized pictures: shop/themes/prestashop/img/ -> title_bg.png and gif to 670px width


List products in a grid:

Installed module listorgridview from here



Featured Products on the homepage:

show 10 products (BO > MODULES > Featured Products on the homepage)

show 5 columns: (shop/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl) -> {assign var='nbItemsPerLine' value=5}

show 5 columns: changed global.css -> #center_column div.block width:750px

show 5 cloumns: resized pictures: shop/themes/prestashop/img/ -> block_header_large.gif and png to 670px width



jqZoom (change preview size):

changed file shop/themes/prestashop/js/product.js -> (xzoom and yzoom)

changed file shop/css/jqzoom.css -> left: 540px !important;



Why is jqzoom working with the all the iPods but doesn't work with the Mac or any new product that i add to the shop?????

YES, i have selected: Enable JqZoom instead of Thickbox on product page: , in Preferences/Products.


Can someone help me, please ?


Thanks in advance.

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I think i've found the problem.


When i installed PrestaShop, it came with some categories and products pre-configured.

One of those categories where: LAPTOPS. Inside of that category there are two products: MacBook and MacBook Air.

MacBook Air was working properly with the JQZOOM feature, but not the MacBook.

So i was comparing the two configurations (in BackOffice) and noticed the MacBook Air had combinations.

I thought, well lets give it a try...and configured combinations on the MacBook also.

To my surprise, jqzoom started to work with MacBook also !!


Is this normal ? I have to configure combinations on all my products to enable jqzoom ?

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This is caused by a bug in PrestaShop v1.4.7 that has been fixed on SVN. To fix it, change line 68 of product.tpl from:


var ipa_default = {if isset($ipa_default)}{$ipa_default}{/if};




var ipa_default = {if isset($ipa_default)}{$ipa_default}{else}0{/if};

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