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Hi Everybody,

Please help me. My problem is that I have paid my amount which are going add to cart to paypal . Also I have made my payment and it's also showing that your payment made successfully but order status is showing at order history is that "Payment error". Other wise kindly tell how prestashop order history and order table is updated after clicking on Pyanow button at prestashop.

Have anybody any idea? If have any experience please share.

I am feeling helpless.




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Hi mike,

I am using prestashop

would you tell me that when I am clicking on paynow button and that time the total paid amount is inserted in the order table is wrong that's why it is showing payment error.

When the product amounts are shooting right value to sandbox but when value returns from paypal and inserted to the order table at that time this value is wrong.

Kindly tell how do I customize the value of order table after the payment.

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Hi Mike,

As I am using now sandbox and is it at sandbox I don't know.

Please you have any idea about the following:

When I am clicking on Paynow button on the paypal sandbox at that time how a new value will insert to the ps_orders and order-ps_order-datails table.

If any idea which fuction or where to edit then it will best for me and I can customize it easily.


I hope you can understand and points.Looking forward to getting your reply.

Thank You

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