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[Ask] regenerate thumbnails from custom folder location

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Hi, The basic problem I have is that my images are not refreshing! Sounds simple enough?


This is my first Prestashop project, I created a folder inside the img folder called ‘stock’ and via ftp uploaded all my images there, I then uploaded the CSV file and ‘hey prestashop’ all was well! Yesterday I uploaded some replacement images (overwriting the original images) however the replacement images are not showing.


I have used ‘regenerate thumbnails’ but from what I can see these are pulled from the modified images that Prestashop must have created during the initial setup sitting within the img/tmp folder, so the images remain the same! I have also manually cleared all cache folders.


I don’t want to re-upload the original CSV file as I have made a huge number of tweaks to the products since the initial upload.


Is it possible to redirect the default location of ‘regenerate thumbnails’ so it will source the latest images from my img/stock folder?


Many thanks in advance


Grant M

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/img/tmp directory is just thta, a temporary directory. Product images are kept in /img/p/ If you want to replace the images for existing products, then do it in /img/p/ directory. Depending on legacy or new image system in use, they may all bein p directory or its sub directories.

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  • 1 month later...

I have an issue very similar to this. I have a product inventory of nearly 7000 products and have somehow wiped out the img/p directory. Like Grant, It is giving me a heart attack to think of reimporting each indv csv to fix this, as they all have different 'features', etc.


I'm looking in the AdminImport.php file, and was hoping to find a way to do something that would recreate these images and populate the img/p directory again for me.


I am DESPERATE and would love ANY thoughts you may have to try. This was a live site and I'm totally freaking out!!


Thanks so much!!

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Replied to your PM separately


was hoping to find a way to do something that would recreate these images and populate the img/p directory again for me.

The reason this cannot happen is because the master copies used in re-generation are in /img/p/

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  • 4 years later...

I have somewhat of a similar problem. I am trying to regenerate my products and every time I attempt it comes back with an error. I have tried do it individually, cart_default, etc. but it always come up with the same error. It appears to be looking and not finding a file which I cannot locate anywhere. Any help pointing me in the right direction of where this file is would be greatly appreciated. I am using


Firefox can't find the file at

amdreamlinks.com/shopcart/admin/index.php?controller=AdminImages token=ba8f17fca1676d033a020890a35c868b

Edited by cookjn (see edit history)
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