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[SOLVED] How to add Accessories

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Hi guys,


Am playing around with Prestashop and am still learning the ropes.


I installed the verstion that has some apple products already installed so have deleted the products and edited the remaining one to try and learn where everything is.


What im struggling on is the adding of accessories to a product.


I know how to add them by putting in a letter and it pops up and you add it to the page but how do you define what the accessories are?


I cant find a menu anywhere where I can add my own accessories to recall later?


All i got at the minute is some head phones lol


any help would be much appreciated





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Hi Dean,

To add an accessory, you must first add it as its own product in the catalog. Then, you can suggest it as an accessory for that original product.


For example, if you're selling an iPod, you can create products for a case, screen protector and headphones. Your customer can buy any of those products individually, but when shopping for an iPod, you can suggest those other products as accessories to encourage your customers to purchase those as well.


I hope this helps.



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