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How do people manage mobile viewing? Can I setup two sites 1 DB?

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Evening all, I currently use prestashop and would like to know how people are approaching it from a mobile point of view.


Is it possible to use a script pickup to know that it is being viewed on a mobile device, say iphone, ipad, any other mobile device and send them to m.website.com and keep the main site at www.website.com.


This would obviously want to use the same DB, but have completely different styling for the m.website.com


Will this fall foul of SEO on google etc, and is it even possible.


How have you approached this issue?


Any help greatly appreciated.

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I'm also interested in knowing more about how a different template can be created for those who view the sites on mobile devices.


Coming from a Joomla CMS background its relatively easy to add code that will load a different template, but I'm not sure how to do this in PrestaShop.



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