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Incorect price on the product page

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I have problem in my Prestashop with product's prices.

The rounding is set to - classical


No tax is using in the shop.


I have product with the base price 19.50 € and there is 5% discounts for it.

This product has 2 attributies, one with impact 0.00 € as an default one and the second one is -2.50 €.


Now in product list, shopping cart and in a Back office the visible prices are 18.53 but in the product page 18.52 for the default parameter

We have to use classical method of rounding prices so we can not change to another.


What can I do to have the same prices?

Edited by MariosP (see edit history)
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Try to see if the same thing happens in PS (don't upgrade the site), simply install the default PS even locally, and create the same product / attribute, and see if it works correctly.


I have checked it on the newest version and there are following prices for these products with the same parameters and classical rounding option:

- in Back Office - 18.53

- in Front Office - 18.52 - in products list, product page and shopping card

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There is always going to be rounding needed, as a number can be 18.529 (but you only show 2 decimal points)


Thanks tomerg!


The reason I am asking is because in my default currency, my prices are rounded up after tax up to a dollar. For example, 158 x 13%tax = 178.54, but Prestashop gives 179 (no decimal points show up at all).


But when I am using USD - my second currency, prices show up with 2 decimal points (correctly).

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