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How to do version rollback?

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I did an upgrade from to and Cart stopped work as other things like the footer etc.



Now I need to rollback and so I did it already:

-Went to Backoffice>Preferences>SEO & URLS and changed the PS directory to '/' again, as it was before

-Using the MyPHPAdmin I did a DB Import, succefully



But every time I type my URL www.hobbysector.com it redirects to www.hobbysector.com/prestashophobbysector


This folder: 'prestashophobbysector' was the one I used to do the update...



I just want to completely rollback it. What am I missing?

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Against what says in the Import section in MyPHPAdmin which says the backup format could be .spl.zip (which I was using).

Now I used just .sql and my message was:


Import has been successfully finished, 560 queries executed. (1335124128-38cf35a5.sql)


Altgough I still having this error:


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