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Deaktivering af Køb


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Jeg har en shop, hvor jeg gerne ville aktiverere så kunderne ikke kan handle, dog kun se produkterne - dvs slå køb fra.


Er det mugligt?


Samt den standard robot.txt den generere vel kun noget noget godt, for min shop, eller er det bare bedre med en allow i robts.txt.


Lige nu har jeg følgende robots.txt den fejler vel ikke noget eller gør min søgemaskine optimering dårlig ?


# robots.txt automaticaly generated by PrestaShop e-commerce open-source solution

# http://www.prestashop.com - http://www.prestashop.com/forums

# This file is to prevent the crawling and indexing of certain parts

# of your site by web crawlers and spiders run by sites like Yahoo!

# and Google. By telling these "robots" where not to go on your site,

# you save bandwidth and server resources.

# For more information about the robots.txt standard, see:

# http://www.robotstxt.../wc/robots.html

# GoogleBot specific

User-agent: Googlebot

Disallow: /*orderby=

Disallow: /*orderway=

Disallow: /*tag=

Disallow: /*id_currency=

Disallow: /*search_query=

Disallow: /*id_lang=

Disallow: /*back=

Disallow: /*utm_source=

Disallow: /*utm_medium=

Disallow: /*utm_campaign=

Disallow: /*n=

# All bots

User-agent: *

# Directories

Disallow: /classes/

Disallow: /config/

Disallow: /download/

Disallow: /mails/

Disallow: /modules/

Disallow: /translations/

Disallow: /tools/

Disallow: /da/

# Files

Disallow: /addresses.php

Disallow: /address.php

Disallow: /authentication.php

Disallow: /cart.php

Disallow: /discount.php

Disallow: /footer.php

Disallow: /get-file.php

Disallow: /header.php

Disallow: /history.php

Disallow: /identity.php

Disallow: /images.inc.php

Disallow: /init.php

Disallow: /my-account.php

Disallow: /order.php

Disallow: /order-opc.php

Disallow: /order-slip.php

Disallow: /order-detail.php

Disallow: /order-follow.php

Disallow: /order-return.php

Disallow: /order-confirmation.php

Disallow: /pagination.php

Disallow: /password.php

Disallow: /pdf-invoice.php

Disallow: /pdf-order-return.php

Disallow: /pdf-order-slip.php

Disallow: /product-sort.php

Disallow: /search.php

Disallow: /statistics.php

Disallow: /attachment.php

Disallow: /guest-tracking.php

Disallow: /address

Disallow: /adresse

Disallow: /direccion

Disallow: /adresse

Disallow: /indirizzo

Disallow: /address

Disallow: /addresses

Disallow: /adresses

Disallow: /direcciones

Disallow: /adressen

Disallow: /indirizzi

Disallow: /addresses

Disallow: /authentication

Disallow: /authentification

Disallow: /autenticacion

Disallow: /authentifizierung

Disallow: /autenticazione

Disallow: /authentication

Disallow: /cart

Disallow: /panier

Disallow: /carro-de-la-compra

Disallow: /warenkorb

Disallow: /carrello

Disallow: /cart

Disallow: /discount

Disallow: /bons-de-reduction

Disallow: /descuento

Disallow: /discount

Disallow: /sconto

Disallow: /discount

Disallow: /guest-tracking

Disallow: /suivi-commande-invite

Disallow: /estado-pedido

Disallow: /auftragsverfolgung-gast

Disallow: /ospite-monitoraggio

Disallow: /guest-tracking

Disallow: /order-history

Disallow: /historique-des-commandes

Disallow: /historial-de-pedidos

Disallow: /bestellungsverlauf

Disallow: /storico-ordine

Disallow: /order-history

Disallow: /identity

Disallow: /identite

Disallow: /identidad

Disallow: /kennung

Disallow: /identita

Disallow: /identity

Disallow: /my-account

Disallow: /mon-compte

Disallow: /mi-cuenta

Disallow: /mein-Konto

Disallow: /il-mio-account

Disallow: /my-account

Disallow: /order

Disallow: /commande

Disallow: /carrito

Disallow: /bestellung

Disallow: /ordine

Disallow: /order

Disallow: /order-follow

Disallow: /details-de-la-commande

Disallow: /devolucion-de-productos

Disallow: /bestellungsverfolgung

Disallow: /seguito-ordine

Disallow: /order-follow

Disallow: /quick-order

Disallow: /commande-rapide

Disallow: /pedido-rapido

Disallow: /schnell-bestellung

Disallow: /ordine-veloce

Disallow: /quick-order

Disallow: /order-slip

Disallow: /avoirs

Disallow: /vales

Disallow: /bestellschein

Disallow: /nota-di-ordine

Disallow: /order-slip

Disallow: /password-recovery

Disallow: /mot-de-passe-oublie

Disallow: /contrasena-olvidado

Disallow: /kennwort-wiederherstellung

Disallow: /password-recupero

Disallow: /password-recovery

Disallow: /search

Disallow: /recherche

Disallow: /buscar

Disallow: /suche

Disallow: /cerca

Disallow: /search

# Sitemap

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Jeg har en shop, hvor jeg gerne ville aktiverere så kunderne ikke kan handle, dog kun se produkterne - dvs slå køb fra.


Er det mugligt?


Ja, det kan gøres i Preferences > Products > Catalogue mode


Hvis "catalogue mode" er aktiveret, vises varerne, men køb er deaktiveret. Dog er priser også skjult, og hvis de skal vises i Katalog tilstand, skal der (så vidt jeg ved) lidt kodning til.

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