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[SOLVED] Product Categories Arrows not working

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I have Prestashop version 1.2.5 and have installed the Product Categories module but the arrows either side do not work, it says 'next' and 'previous' when hovering over them but nothing happens when you click on them. Is there a way of fixing this please?


Thank you.


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They work on this category:



They don't work on this category:



They are situated at each end of the row of items in the same category which appears underneath the product selected as above. In some categories they work and in others they don't. Before I enabled Friendly URL's they didn't work on any category.



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Thank you for your help.


This is a Prestashop module which came with version 1.2.5. However, I have now solved it - I put the error message in google and searched because I have no idea what that meant and it came up with a link to a Prestashop forum topic in Italian. I translated it with Bing and have now corrected the javascript file in the module so everything is now working perfectly.


For anyone else with this problem replace line 7 of the productscategory.js with the following:


$('#productscategory_scroll_right').css('cursor', position + pc_serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed == pc_serialScrollNbImages ? 'default' : 'pointer' ).fadeTo(500 , position + pc_serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed == pc_serialScrollNbImages ? 0.2 : 1);


I hope this helps anyone who is having a problem with it.



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