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Customizes Shipping

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I'm running Prestashop 1.4.7. I'm wondering if it's possible to customize the shipping module at back end such that:


1. Different shipping price for different quantity of items. For example, shipping cost of 1 and 2 items would be $1.50, 3 items would be $2, and 4 items and above would be $2.55.


2. A different set of shipping costs for products in a certain category. For example, if a product belonged to a certain category, the shipping cost would turn out to be 1 item being $2.55, 2 items being $3.35, so on and forth.


Is there any possible ways to do this? Hope to receive any ideas, feedback or module suggestions. Thanks a million!

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You could get pretty creative with the usage of weight ranges, but i don't think you could solve both problems doing it.


If you just set the weight of every item to 1, then you could use a weight range. So things up to 2 lbs, would be 1.50. Things up to 3 lbs would be 2, and 4 and over would be 2.55.


For the second, you could assign each category a range.


The correct way to do this would be to create a custom carrier module, that would just perform this logic.

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