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[SOLVED] Cart showing different prices when taxes are disabled

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Hi there,

I've come across a bug in presta It seems that cart is showing the wrong price if taxes are disabled.


An example: i put ipod nano (the demo product) in cart, it's 158.


Now the "total products" field says it's 130! How can this be?


130 in taken into consideration when dealing with the final price.


Anybody experienced something similar?

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I'm on a local environment, here is a screenshot




Just the default installation, no custom modules or other stuff enabled


Weird enough, this only happens with default products. i've just tested with a custom one and there is no bug


Are you going to be selling those default products? Those are only placeholders, so if they're causing you issues there's nothing wrong with deleting them altogether.



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Okay i have figured it out: if a product has a tax rate set, but taxes are disabled overall, the final price gets n% less basing on the tax rate for that product.




ipod nano has 21% it vat applied

I disable taxes but leave that option in the product sheet.


Product price, even without taxes, gets reduced by 21%.


Dunno if this is a bug. You can mark as solved anyway. Thanks for your interest in the topic.

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