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Special Home Featured Translation Problem

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I'm using the Special Home Featured module, that's a simple featured products module to the home page (attached below). My problem is that I've translated it as usual to my language, and its translated in the BO, but the Front office part is still in english. I've translated that part as well, it has generated the language php and everything, but I dont get why, and how is that possible to still be in english when I've updated the translation.


If someone could check the module files I would really appreciate that.


Pictures and files attached below

specialhomefeatured (1).zipFetching info...



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Hi Budapestis,

Now I believe I see the issue. You took care of the Back Office translations, but you need to also do the Front Office translations in order to have them reflected in your website. The changes you made in the screenshot above are only for your Back Office. Once you do the associated translations under Front Office Translations, however, you should see them changed on your site.




I hope this helps.



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How do you mean? It's a module, It has to be translated in module translations like all the other modules, It has the front office lines (view, add to cart, featured products) at the module translations and I've translated those lines. That's why I dont understand this whole thing. By the way, under front office translations there isn't even a line called "featured products" and all "view" and "add to cart" lines are translated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had the same problem. Open for example ../modules/homefeatured/de.php and change the text in the language you want. Than save it as xx.php (xx = your language). In my case the file nl.php was empty. Translated the de.php file and saved it as nl.php.

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