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[SOLVED] TAX per country issue

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Hi Prestashoppers,


I've added a product to my shop, which runs on Dutch (Netherlands) by default. The standard taxrate here is 19% so i've applied that to the product (€25,21 ex-tax, €30 incl. tax).


Now for Dutch and Belgium it seems to work fine and show a product in the shop which is actually €30,-, also displays the tax quite nicely on the shopping cart.


The problem occurs when I try to order and my shipping address becomes something else than Dutch or Belgium. Any other country (the ones ive randomly tested anyway) shows €25,21 as total price, and it simply doesnt apply any tax anymore (in the shopping cart/checkout).


I can't recall making any exceptions to the TAX rules within the shop, so i'm clueless as to why this is, or how to fix it.


Your help is much appriciated!

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Ok, ive just solved it myself.


BO > Payment > Tax Rules > Create new, then simply apply the rate you like per country.


Ive had the default by Prestashop set for 19% NL. However, this only applies to the Netherlands, which I find weird. If i ship something to the UK, theres still 19% tax to be payed..?


Regardless, it's solved!

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