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Problem with Language in the site

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I am using prestashop

I would like to have both french and english language enabled on the back end of my shop. However my site will be strictly in french. To do this I have disabled the language module. But when I enable english language under Tools>Language, and then set french as the default language for the store (while having language block disabled under modules), I still get my site in english.


How can I solve this problem? I would like to work the back office in both french and english while having my site just in french.


Thanks in advance.


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Hi hurray,

You can set the default Back Office language for each individual employee under that user's "My Preferences" settings in the top left corner of the Back Office. I'm not personally aware of a way for an individual user to have the Back Office in two different languages (not sure why you would want that either, but I don't judge B)), so I would recommend you create separate admin accounts for English and French to manage the Back Office in each language.


I hope this helps.



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Hi Mike,

I do not think that option exists in and earlier version. I have another site that uses the same version and it works for that site.

Just this one is driving me crazy as the back office settings are the same for both the sites.

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