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PayPal adds individual shipping for multiple items

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Hello fellows, so I am using Prestashop version:


My site is live at tivicr.com/tienda and we have been in business about 1 month, many orders have been placed and so far so good. I added this pocket atibacterials where I am running a promo of buy 4 get one free, nothing special right?


Today I had an issue with an order where the customer bought a total of 10 items totaling $37 USD, yet when he proceeded with the payment through PayPal, it was showing an additional $17.94 which brought the final amount to $52.


Now I had prestashop reminded me that I have gotten more more I charged for, followed by the customer complaining.


This is what PayPal shows:


Order Description: Shopping Cart

Item Total: $34.45 USD

Sales Tax: $0.00 USD

Shipping: $17.94 USD

Handling: $0.00 USD

Seller discount or charges: $0.00 USD


To me it looks like it's adding the shipping of every individual item and having the customer paying shipping on every item instead of a combined one. But then again I charge $3 shipping which it should've displayed above on shipping instead of the $17.94, but if you add all shipping it should be $30 instead so I am clueless with this shipping charge of $17.94


The past orders have been smooth because people have bought single items, but this conflict arises with more than one item.


Thanks in advance and God Bless!



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