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A couple of noob questions

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So, love this service, only have a few quick questions:


It wont let me delete the ipod touch, it let me delete all the other default items, but not that when, when I triy to delete it it says: An error occurred while deleting selection.


another problem is having an option for quantity, let's say i'm selling a suppliment powder, and want to offer it in increments of grams, how could i have it where the select the name of the suppliment, and then choose the # of grams for a price?



Was also wondering the easiest ways to change up the colors.


ANY help would be SO appreciated, so excited to get this up and running!

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another problem is having an option for quantity, let's say i'm selling a suppliment powder, and want to offer it in increments of grams, how could i have it where the select the name of the suppliment, and then choose the # of grams for a price?


You could use the Attributes to accomplish this. Just create your attribute group then add your gram attributes to this group.


When you add a new product just select the attributes you want for that product.


Hope that helps!


Marty Shue

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Did you try deleting the Category it belongs to? That should delete all products in that category.


If you are unable to delete it in your BO you could remove it from the database using phpMyAdmin (if you are comfortable).


If all else fails just disable the product and it will not appear in your FO.


Hope one of those helps!


Marty Shue

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