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Variation/combination list is empty!

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Hello everyone!

This is my first post on this forum (and I think that any other in my life), so if I'm skipping something, I apologize in advance. The issue is that I've been a few weeks riding a clothing store and as there are thousands of aspects to take into account (and is my first installation of Prestashop), for sure something is missing.


Having introduced products and their combinations, with combinations generator (color and size), days later I noticed that wanting to assign an image to a combination (which had forgotten) I realized that the list of combinations (tab version PrestaShop 4) appears empty.


In the Front Office the combinations work fine: when I select a color or a size, the image changes. Also, when I go to the Back Office I note that in combinations appears a number in parentheses indicating the number of combinations I for each product, with what I understand that they are there. But the combinations table is empty.


I've tried deleting the combinations and recreate them, but nothing happens. Then I went to the phpMyAdmin and neither short nor lazy I have deleted directly data combinations, thinking it could then return to create them from the Back Office. But nothing at all; does not create anything. Also tryed to generate combinations manually, but nothing happens too.


I don't know if someone has happened something similar (or exactly the same) but I have not found anything on the forums here and there.


Help please!


Greetings in advance!





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