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Pagespeed test: "serve pages from a consistent URL"?

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I've been having ongoing problems with very slow loading products (many take 7-10 seconds). Recently my webhost (hostgator) tried helping and confirmed that the slow pages are in the products as far as MySQL is concerned. One thing I'm doing is, I'm trying is to rename all the products to under 10 characters, as most of them have about 80 characters. I also went to developers.google.com/pagespeed/ to run a test on a slow area and received a strange recommendation.


I tested one of the slowest categories: http://www.ecg.com/nature-33/ and received a "these pages have identical contents: serve pages from a consistent URL" recommendation. In it they list all the subcategory photos of nature except that the URLs are strange to me. One of them is http://www.ecg.com/new/c/en-default-medium/florals.jpg . This is a .jpg link that doesn't even come up when you click on the nature-33 category. I am assuming that /c/en-default-medium/ is where PS is storing the photos. Still very strange to me that it would try to load that image. I don't even have a photo called florals.jpg. Even stranger, google also lists a bunch of image URLs from Alaska! http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s320x320/389639_383894131644246_143517752348553_1239453_1871899518_n.jpg (this is actually one of my photos from a completely different category).


I don't have an explanation for any of this, unless when I click on "Move Images" in Tools, they are ending up at this unknown server, but I can see why pages might be loading slowly.


Does anyone recognize any of this? Thanks.

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