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How to change the background color keeping the central block white

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Hi everyone, I'm literally getting crazy cause I need to modify a theme, but I can't do it properly. I was able to insert a picture writing that in global.css:



body {

background-color: #000;

font-size: 11px;

font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;

color: #5d717e;

text-align: center;




but unfortunately, the result is the picture everywhere!!! I need the central column to be white!!! How can I do it? Would be really glad if someone could tell me.



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This is because the centre columns and right & left columns are essentially transparent.


One way of changing this is to go to your global.css and find this section around line 41:


#page {}
#header {z-index:10}
#columns {z-index:1}
 #left_column {}
 #center_column {}
 #right_column {}
#footer {}


And add in between {} your background colour code.

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  • 10 months later...

... or add your desired content background color to your global css file where it defines your columns within the page structure definitions (about line 43). See example below.

/* ************************************************************************************************
************************************************************************************************ */
#page {}
#header {z-index:10; height:135px}
#columns {z-index:1; background:#fff}
 #left_column {}
 #center_column {}
 #right_column {}
#footer {height:100px}

/* ************************************************************************************************
 generic style
************************************************************************************************ */

Edited by SincoMart (see edit history)
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