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Email confirmation on registration

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Hi all,

I would like to know how to send a verification mail with a link to click on a new user registration or if there is some module that can do this.

I have searched in BO but didn't found any solution, I had even searched forums but didn't found nothing (maybe I did something wrong).

Sorry for grammar, english is not my native language.

Thank in advance for replies.

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  • 5 years later...

Why a new module? PrestaShop sends a welcome mail after a new customer registered. Edit this mail template and insert what ever link is needed. If you need variable links, you can use the cusomers mail address, name, firstname which should all be available in this template.


The template is usually located in the path /yourtheme /mails /lang and the file name might be account.html and account.txt.

Edited by Scully (see edit history)
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