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"tax incl." text

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Hi TuscaniCustoms,

Rather than changing it in the code, an easier method would be to go to your Back Office > Tools > Translations > Front Office Features (click on the flag for your language). There, you can search for all instances of "tax incl." (and "tax excl." if you would like to be more thorough) and replace the text in each of those fields with a single space. This way, not only will it remove that text from your site, but it will also prevent the code changes from causing any issues in the future with upgrades (this shouldn't happen, but the less you touch the code, the better B)).


I hope this helps.



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No l'm missing a lot of buttons in comparison to what you have showed me. l appreciate your fast responses. Looks like l would need to buy those functions additionaly and they didn't come with the basic package l purchased.


What package did you purchase, exactly? PrestaShop is free, open source software so you don't need to purchase anything to have those tabs or any of our other 275+ features. It appears to me that you do not have full administrator rights to your Back Office, whoever is the main administrator for your page will need to either give you those permissions in the Employees tab or let you do this from their account.



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l purchased this package from my gf's cousin but l don't know what kind of package it is realy. As he told me it can be upgraded. Will let him know and ask him if there is something l should have but l don't have jet for some reason. Where should the employees tab be? l couldn't find one anywhere.


You're great for helping me out Mike :D

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Hi TuscaniCustoms,

The fact that you don't see the Employees tab tells me you definitely don't have full administrator rights. You will have to ask your girlfriend's cousin to either give you those rights or allow you to use his login, because otherwise you will not be able to make these sorts of changes.



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Now l see where that tab is in screenshot you attatchen in your upper post. And no sir l don't have that. Will let him know right away about this including this thread.




You'd be amazed how much you're missing out on B). If you can get full access, there really won't be anything you CAN'T do with the software.


Once you get access, let me know and I'll be happy to help you finally resolve this!



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l got full administrational rights now. My gf's cousin did not gave me all that in the begining just to protect me from myself lol, so I wouldn't delete something l shouldn't.


l discovered you can also disable tax from appearing in the listing (under tab payment and sub tabs taxes and tax rules)but now that I tryed to enable it again (in case i need price with tax) this feature doesn't work anymore. l can't get presta to calcultae tax into price again. l switched all the functions back on and lt doesn't work. l checked several times to make sure everything is back as it used to be but no luck. There must be something wrong. Am l missing something?

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l did what you told me to but problem didn't go away. l also have 8,5% tax listed and when l press that button in info section it does work, but 20% tax button l have disabled doesn't.

Maby stupid question but to reload the page means just log out and log in again or something more thorough? Like refresing IP adress, done that but doesn't help.

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l did what you told me to but problem didn't go away. l also have 8,5% tax listed and when l press that button in info section it does work, but 20% tax button l have disabled doesn't.

Maby stupid question but to reload the page means just log out and log in again or something more thorough? Like refresing IP adress, done that but doesn't help.


No, reloading the page means to just refresh it. You can do this easily by pressing Shift + F5 to force the page to recompile. Can you please post a direct link to a product that is not working as it should so that I can try to look into this for you?



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lt doesn't work for any product. When you disable the tax it applys to all products.

Here is the link but l don't know weather you can open it as my page isn't on the net jet, to be wived by public, you know what l mean.





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lt doesn't work for any product. When you disable the tax it applys to all products.

Here is the link but l don't know weather you can open it as my page isn't on the net jet, to be wived by public, you know what l mean.






Can you please temporarily enable your shop so that I can take a look at this on your site?



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I've done it. Thats under prefernces tab right? Enable or disable shop. Anything else you need me to do?


No, that should be fine. In your Back Office, can you please go to Shipping > Countries, then click on your country and set "Display tax label" at the bottom of the page to "No"?


Then, refresh the page and let me know if that works for you.


I hope this helps.



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l've gone under tab Payment>than tax rules and our 20% tax tab and enabled all the countries and now it works. When l get one thing sorted out, another problems pops out.

Now lf i want to have price listed without tax l just disable tax under tab payment >taxes > tax options and thats it. Price is listed without tax and text "tax included" is gone.

However there is one big problem and that is wrong calculation of the total price. My product costs 359$ and shipping is 72$, total of 431$. But in cart there is price of 371$ wrong!


That happens because 20% tax is still listed in info section under tax rule. lf l change this to no tax or tax excluded than calculated total price is correct. Where is the problem you say?


Well this means l would have to change that setting for each and every product manualy and that would take some time as there is already a lot of them listed. lf l would want to switch back to price with tax than l'd have to do this again. l don't fell like doing it realy.


Now is there any way l could do this with one move without changing this setting for one product at the time?

Another option is if something could be done to make calculations right without changing tax rule settings.


l hope l'm not giving you hard time Mike ;)


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Ok, looks like there is going to be a lot of work to correct one thing for all the products. l have another question regarding product combinations generator or attribute generator. Will try to find something about that, if l won't than another thread will be posted.

Problem is that by copying attribute combinations you also copy attributes group name into another product listing and so it doesn't look right. l try to find shortcuts but l'm not always lucky.

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  • 9 months later...

I have an issue very closely related to this, I'm using PS


I'm seeing the label "(tax incl.)" on the shipping carriers page of the checkout, but it shouldn't be there. I'm not charging tax for this country, so although there is no actual tax $ being applied (the price isn't affected), it could be confusing to someone who isn't expecting to be paying any tax to see that label.


I have tax enabled in general, and enabled to show tax on a separate line in the cart. I have "display tax label" for this country disabled, there is no tax rule for them, so technically no label should appear at all (just show price only). I'm not 100% sure if this is the only code for this, but I think this at least one section telling the cart what info to include: themes > (theme name) > order-carrier.tpl


 <div class="delivery_option_price">
{if $option.total_price_with_tax && !$free_shipping}
{if $use_taxes == 1}
{convertPrice price=$option.total_price_with_tax} {l s='(tax incl.)'}
{convertPrice price=$option.total_price_without_tax} {l s='(tax excl.)'}
{l s='Free!'}


Can anyone tell by looking at that if that's indeed the right spot? And if so, any idea what I can change there to get rid of anything related to tax whatsoever on this page? Any advice you can offer is greatly appreciated!

Edited by artofadornment (see edit history)
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