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Abandoned Carts

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Hi all,


I'l looking at the Customers>Carts screen on my admin, it used to show all the carts that had been generated but this became a huge list. Now it can't load the page.


Is there anyway in my Database that I can easily delete carts that are over say 1 year old? or manage the carts data in any way.



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Is there anyway in my Database that I can easily delete carts that are over say 1 year old?


Take a DB backup first


Assuming your table prefix is ps_ (modify accordingly if not) issue the following statement using PHPMyAdmin or similar


DELETE FROM `ps_cart`
WHERE `id_cart` NOT IN (SELECT `id_cart` from `ps_orders`)


On re-consideration, this is a bad way to do it as it may, under some circumstances (e.g. when there are combinations for an item in a cart etc), leave your DB in an inconsistent state. Removing carts are quite a bit more involved than this, seek professional help.

Edited by phrasespot (see edit history)
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