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Help! Shipping Cost Issue

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Here's what happened:


-- Configured USPS module, have the API correct, Priority Mail selected, etc. Everything worked, but......


-- Shipping charges were fairly correct until an order reached 10 lbs or so. It seemed the price increased outrageously after that -- not at all what the USPS priority mailing price should have been.


-- I adjusted a couple of things (the USPS module, and the weight of the products I was testing right then).


-- The shipping price lowered. Yay!


-- Only... it was too low now.


-- Upon further inspection, I realized it wasn't just too low -- the shipping price is now stuck at $11.35.


-- Cleared caches. Still stuck.


-- Upgraded to current version of Prestashop.


-- STILL stuck at $11.35.


I'm at a loss of what could be causing this. I would *so very much* appreciate any help on this -- I've no clue what else to try.


Please, please help!


The site is: http://www.countrycornerbulkfoods.com/buy_bulk

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