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How to detetc a tpl

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I create a personal tpl which is include in product-list.tpl


{include file='modules/hwdeals/hwdeals.tpl'}


and I am using the module-list.tpl variable as this:




I would like to include my personal module to product.tpl


But the problem is that the product name is called like this




I would like to know how can use either the first varaible or the second


Do you have an idea?


My idea is to detect the tpl product.tpl or product-list.tpl

as this:

{if product.tpl}
{assign var=product_name value=$product->name]}
{if product-list.tpl}
{assign var=product_name value=$product.name]}


My problem is that I do not know how to detetc the tpl

Do you have an idea?


Thank a lot

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