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[SOLVED] Remove "Tax exc." from carrier list on OPC

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Hi all,


I have tax disabled under payment>tax and tax is set to "no tax" under shipping>carriers, yet when a customer checks out as guest under opc, the carrier prices are displayed £xx.xx tax exc.


I've looked in order-carrier.tpl and commented out the following code...



{if $use_taxes}{if $priceDisplay == 1} {*{l s='(tax excl.)'}{else} {l s='(tax incl.)'}*}{/if}{/if}


.. but it doesn't go.


Does anyone know how to remove this one and for all?



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Hi phrasespot - I made the changes you suggested but "tax excl." still appears. See attached screenshot.


Also, I've noticed I don't have an index.php in /tools/smarty/compile/ or /themes/your_theme/cache/ (I think I may have deleted them in the past), could this cause any problems?




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Hi phrasespot - I made the changes you suggested but "tax excl." still appears. See attached screenshot.

Note that the snippet you posted appears in two different places in the template. Make sure you are commenting out in both places.


Also, I've noticed I don't have an index.php in /tools/smarty/compile/ or /themes/your_theme/cache/ (I think I may have deleted them in the past), could this cause any problems?

No, it does not matter. Just copy an index.php from any other directory to the directories that don't have it. They are all the same and there to act as a directory index file in case the server is setup to list the directory content in the absence of an index file and a redirector to home page if a directory is requested.

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When I comment out the second snippet of code the entire right column and footer bizarrely disappear! What I've noticed is that the carrier price is displayed correctly (no reference to tax) when you land on the checkout page, but adds the tax info when the form is completed and saved. Not sure if this sheds any more light on it.


I don't know why I'm having this problem - surely when tax is disabled there should be no references to tax at all?


Thanks for all your help so far.

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When I comment out the second snippet of code the entire right column and footer bizarrely disappear!


This is possibly a Smarty error due to faulty commenting. Make sure to leave the single bracket at the end of second occurrence alone and watch there are no spaces between curlies and asterisks. This image shows how I commented them out.


I don't know why I'm having this problem - surely when tax is disabled there should be no references to tax at all?


True, true. Don't go there :/

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I may need to give up as I feel my life slowly slipping away!

Not your fault. Locate the file /themes/your_theme/order-opc.tpl and assign blank strings to JS variables at the top of the file:




var txtWithTax = "{l s='(tax incl.)'}";
var txtWithoutTax = "{l s='(tax excl.)'}";




var txtWithTax = "";
var txtWithoutTax = "";


Then next time you have a drink toast to PS way of tacking things on as an afterthought

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